Covering Up Islamic Terrorism for Fun and Profit

Thursday, October 02, 2014

Posted by Daniel Greenfield @ the Sultan Knish blog

If the weather is too hot or too cold, if there is a natural disaster, if a plane crashes, if crime increases, if crime decreases, if the Ebola virus rampages across of Africa or stays home to read a good book instead, if the price of coffee goes up or if a war breaks out… it will eventually be connected to Global Warming.
Even the rise of ISIS has been blamed not on the Koran, but on Global Warming.
clip_image002Meanwhile a Muslim terrorist can blow himself up at Ground Zero on September 11 while screaming, “I am doing this because I am a Muslim and I hate you all” and those same experts will tell us that it had nothing to do with Islam, but it was caused by the impact of Global Warming on the molecules of his brain.
It’s all a matter of how you connect the dots.
Democrats think that Global Warming is a bigger threat to America than Al Qaeda. That’s the profitable notion that Al Gore has been selling for some time. When ISIS began making headlines, lefty publications scurried to explain how ISIS had been caused by Global Warming. If you can’t get rid of ISIS, you can always promise to make it go away with another few billion for Bay Area Green Tech liberal donors.
That’s why Homeland Security is focusing on Global Warming. Why bother with Islam when the root cause of Islamic terrorism turns out to be neither Islam nor terrorism, but your failure to buy recycled toilet paper and pay much higher prices for energy. Instead of droning ISIS, we will drone on about sustainable sustainability and how eagles would rather be killed by wind turbines than by oil spills.

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Al Shabaab could establish ties with DRC rebels

English: DRC, orthographic projection.

English: DRC, orthographic projection. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

By KEVIN J KELLEY Special Correspondent

Posted  Saturday, February 22   2014 at  16:13

In Summary

Somalia’s Al Shabaab militants could potentially establish links with anti-government fighters in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, the United States Special Envoy for the Great Lakes region said last week.

Russell Feingold noted in a wide-ranging talk at a Washington think tank that previous Al Shabaab strikes in Kampala and Nairobi indicate it is “getting pretty close to the DRC.” Continue reading