‘Sued for Terror Watching’

‘Sued for Terror Watching’ An appeal for Dr. Bruce Tefft

Bruce Tefft, the Director of CRA’s Threat Assessment Center.

Dr.Bruce Tefft retired from the CIA as a case officer in 1995 after 21 years, 17 working in Stations abroad. He was a founding member of the CIA’s Counter-Terrorism Center in 1985 and has been involved with terrorism issues since then. After his retirement, he continued studying Islamic terrorist techniques and training more than 16,000 first responders, law enforcement, military and intelligence officials in terrorism awareness and prevention. For a two year period following 9/11, he was the Counter-Terrorism and Intelligence advisor to the New York Police Department.

Dr. Tefft, has been sued as a co-defendant along with the NYPD for workplace harassment because he sent emails detailing the threat of radical Islamic terrorism to police officers who voluntarily received them.

So we are going to support him, if you might send a suggested $5.00 or any amount you estimate appropriate to Bruce’s legal defense fund.

Here is the address for sending anything you can:

Bruce Tefft Legal Defense Fund
Jerry Goldman, Atty
Two Penn Center Plaza
1500 J.F.K. Blvd. Suite 1411
Philadelphia, PA 19102

“He spent more than two decades in various posts overseas, mostly in the Middle East.

Dr.Bruce Tefft is a private terror analyst now, notably a consultant for the NYPD, and he is kind enough to share his professional feed of open-source terror-related news items and commentary.

His work has led him to a rather jaundiced view of Islam .This in turn has animated his occasionally biting commentary about the faith, especially in regards to terrorism. Now, he runs a Yahoo Group email list which some of his feed goes to. Subscription to that is entirely voluntary; you can’t sub someone
else, gotta do it yourself. A muslim in the (IIRC) NYPD subscribed to that
email list, didn’t like what he saw, and so he sued.

Tefft’s defense points out the voluntary nature of the guy’s subscription,
but common-sense is uncommon, so the suit drags on.”
“Muslims are getting quite good at that: Shouting Ann Coulter or David Horowitz down at college appearances, tasering a loudmouth student at a forum, applying “hate-crime”
logic to all manner of speech, freezing out conservatives from academic and
media pursuits, lawsuits… it all adds up to one of the more chilling
trends of the past decade or two “


 Read related articles for more....

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Serving the Silent Warriors of the Intelligence Community

Bruce Tefft Legal Defense Fund

Our current project is to develop a legal defense fund for Dr, Bruce Tefft. After 9/11 Dr. Tefft provide intelligence training to both the NYPD counter terrorism and intelligence divisions and, because of the statements he made on an email Group regarding Islam and it’s relation to terrorism, he is being sued. The case may endanger YOUR right to free speech on the net. Click Read More on the navigation bar.

Checks can be made out to the Bruce Tefft Legal Defense Fund and sent to:

Bruce Tefft Legal Defense Fund

Jerry Goldman, Atty

Two Penn Center Plaza

1500 J.F.K. Blvd. Suite 1411

Philadelphia, PA 19102

Every Donation of $50 or more will receive a special gift from Falcon’s Nest Publications and access to private areas of this website.

Contribute to the defense fund. The entire donation is tax deductible and every cent will go to Dr. Tefft’s defense.

Credit Cards will be accepted starting about 01 Sep.

To contact us: email the trustee


‘Sued for Terror Watching’: an appeal for Bruce Tefft-ACT ally

by Jerry GordonBruce Tefft aka “Beowulf” is the guy who sends us those fascinating Grendel reports that give us the inside scope on counter terrorism issues and his remarkable insights gained over three decades as a CIA officer and a stint as Intelligence and Counter Terrorism consultant to the NYPD. The NYPD knew plenty about catching crooks and murderers who committing crimes, but little about tracking and preventing Islamist terrorist actions, that is, until 9/11 occurred and Tefft was brought in.

There’s a long and important interview with Beowulf with Jamie Glazov, editor of FrontPageMagazine entitled: “Sued for Terror Watching”. The interview covers the background on the CAIR suit against Tefft and his trenchant, right on views, about the dangers of Political Islam in America and the world.

Here’s an excerpt from the interview that gives the background on another bizarre class suit against one of the good guys.

While in NY, I continued this practice with New York Police Department officers, including an Egyptian Muslim who asked to receive my emails. Naturally, since we are dealing with Islamic terrorism, most of the articles were critical examinations of Islam and terrorism. Although he requested to be placed on my list, and never asked to be removed, the Muslim officer, whose career was not advancing, decided that my emails (and comments) had created a hostile work environment where he could not be promoted and suffered emotional stress, so he brought a suit against the NY Police Department and myself last December to get my anti-Muslim terror work stopped. So far my legal bills have exceeded $65,000 and we have not yet gotten to trial.

Remember, CAIR tried that against Andy Whitehead of anti-CAIR and caved in the Virginia Courts. The Islamic Society of Boston sued our allies, Steve Emerson and the David project in Boston and they finally caved. That might happen in the action against Tefft, but the bills are mounting up fast.

So, we are going to appeal to the better natures of our ACT members to see if you might send a suggested $5.00 or any amount your deem appropriate to Bruce’s legal defense fund.

Here is the address for sending anything you can

Bruce Tefft Legal Defense Fund
Jerry Goldman, Atty
Two Penn Center Plaza
1500 J.F.K. Blvd. Suite 1411
Philadelphia, PA 19102

We love Beowulf aka Tefft and the feelings are mutual. Witness this comment in an email today to Brigitte and me:

I’m touched and honored by your support (and of course any contributions)!

All Americans should be in this together. Obviously we can’t count on the support of the 50+% who are already fellow travelers or enablers, but that leaves a lot of other folk whom we’re trying to reach out
to and make aware.

Brigitte knows I’ve been a long time admirer of hers and ALWAYS get her information out!

Best regards,


(Raise Up Our Glasses Against Evil Forces)

October 30th, 2007 at 2:51 • BeowulfBruce TefftJamie Glazov interviewlegal suitappeal


Sued For Terror Watching

By Jamie Glazov
FrontPageMagazine.com | Friday, October 26, 2007 Frontpage Interview’s guest today is Bruce Tefft, the Director of CRA’s Threat Assessment Center. He retired from the CIA as a case officer in 1995 after 21 years, 17 working in Stations abroad. He was a founding member of the CIA’s Counter-Terrorism Center in 1985 and has been involved with terrorism issues since then. After his retirement, he continued studying Islamic terrorist techniques and training more than 16,000 first responders, law enforcement, military and intelligence officials in terrorism awareness and prevention. For a two year period following 9/11, he was the Counter-Terrorism and Intelligence advisor to the New York Police Department.

FP: Bruce Tefft, welcome to Frontpage Interview.

Tefft: Thank you, Jamie, it is a pleasure to be here.

FP: Tell us about the lawsuit filed against you for the “anti-Islamic” messages in your emails.

Tefft: Following 9/11, my former company, Orion Scientific Systems, provided some anti-terrorist software to the NYPD. I was detailed to help upload some data and then for the next two years my services were donated to the NYPD free of charge by the President of Orion as a patriotic gesture. I would commute to NY weekly from Virginia, my salary, hotel, air fare and all expenses covered by Orion. As an intelligence officer my focus had always been proactive, to find out what was going to happen. Law enforcement is traditionally reactive, looking for the criminal after a crime had taken place. My work with the NYPD was to provide the police officers some additional proactive capabilities in their fight against terrorism. The key to pro-action is awareness which is based on knowledge of the enemy.

Since I retired from the CIA in late1995, I have concentrated on studying Islam and terrorism from open sources, or OSINT (Open Source Intelligent). I receive about 1600 emails a day from around the world, containing articles and commentary on politics, war, intelligence and terrorism. As a result of my personal work I would disseminate 50-100 pertinent articles, sometimes with comments, to others who shared my interest in learning about terrorism. Over the years I gradually built up a readership of some 10,000 or so people who would receive my emails. Whenever I met people with an interest in terrorism, or provided training, I would always offer to add anyone to my email list who wished.

While in NY, I continued this practice with New York Police Department officers, including an Egyptian Muslim who asked to receive my emails. Naturally, since we are dealing with Islamic terrorism, most of the articles were critical examinations of Islam and terrorism. Although he requested to be placed on my list, and never asked to be removed, the Muslim officer, whose career was not advancing, decided that my emails (and comments) had created a hostile work environment where he could not be promoted and suffered emotional stress, so he brought a suit against the NY Police Department and myself last December to get my anti-Muslim terror work stopped. So far my legal bills have exceeded $65,000 and we have not yet gotten to trial.

FP: Well, we’ll get back to your lawsuit in a minute. Let’s talk a bit about the terror war. It appears that the West is in a serious dilemma. It thinks it can wage a war against an enemy without naming the enemy. Your thoughts?Tefft: The “War on Terror” and the use of the terms “Islamofascism” or “radical Islam” are basic examples of faulty nomenclature. One terrorism is a tactic, used by an enemy. One wages war on the enemy, not the tactic. During WWII we did not wage war on the “blitzkrieg” or “kamikaze pilots” we fought a war against Nazi Germany and Imperial Japanese. We are fighting a 14-century year old war against Islam and its adherents, Muslims. And it is a war that they have declared on all non-Muslims as part of their religious mandate, their ideology, to make the whole world Islamic, under the Caliphate, and to convert, kill or enslave all non-Muslims.

The two main branches of Islam, Sunni and Shi’ite have both, as the initiation of the Third Jihad (Holy War) of the modern Islamic resurgence, have repeatedly declared war against the U.S. and the West — the Sunni with bin Laden’s 1998 Declaration of War and the Shi’ites when Ayatollah Khomeini overthrew the Shah and attacked our Embassy (sovereign U.S. territory under international law) in 1979. Ignoring the fact that we are indeed at war with Muslims, and not simply a tactic of war that they use, leaves us vulnerable to infiltration, subversion and other forms of attack and makes it impossible to defeat the enemy.

FP: Well sir, your point is well taken in the sense that we have to be honest in acknowledging that there are elements of Islam itself that inspire terror and that Islamic terror therefore is an outgrowth of Islam and cannot be washed away without a re-haul of Islam itself.

At the same time, when facing our enemy, surely it is crucial to use terms such as “Islamofascism” or “radical Islam” to understand and confront the enemy because what we are facing is also a political movement and definitely not an entire religion or every Muslim. Let us remember that millions of Muslims were and are victims, just like we are, of the radicals and fanatics in their midst. Many of them want to defeat the Islamo-fascists just as much as we do and it would be crazy and self-destructive for us not to ally ourselves with them.

Let’s also keep in mind that the term “Islamo-fascism” was created by moderate Algerian Muslims who were being terrorized by Islamic fanatics who sought to impose Sharia law in Algeria. And the term is historically based – since radical Islam is linked to fascism. After all, Hassan al Banna, the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood (from which today’s radical Muslim groups descend) was an open admirer and supporter of Adolf Hitler — as was the principal theorist of the modern jihad, Sayyid Qutb.

In any case, without doubt there is a serious problem with the theological roots of Islam, since the instruction for all believers to wage war against all unbelievers in found in the Qur’an in Suras such as 9:29 and 9:5. All the schools of Islamic jurisprudence teach that it is part of the responsibility of the umma to subjugate the non-Muslim world through jihad. And yes, Islam rejects the separation of Church and State. So definitely, as you suggest, Islam itself and what it teaches is a serious problem. But much of our hope lies in those Muslims who want — and practice — a relaxation of their theological beliefs and who seek to lead some kind of reformation in their religion and cancel out the calls for violent jihad in their religious texts etc. Whether or not this can be done remains the painful and agonizing question, seeing erasing large segments of Islamic teaching, and overturning 1,400 years of history, is by no means an easy task.

Tefft: I understand what you say, and I’ve heard this argument before: “radical” Muslims kill and terrorize other Muslims as well so they must be different from the “moderates” that they are terrorizing. I don’t think so. As with any group of human beings, there are factions in Islam and personal ambitions and petty egos of various leaders which will them to power. So there are conflicts between Muslims as well as between Muslims and everyone else. However, those Muslims killing other Muslims (which is forbidden in the Koran) do not view the “others” as true Muslims but rather as ‘takfir’ or apostates, thus not true Muslims and therefore subject to the same killing as the rest of us.

Like Nazism, Islam is an ideology one chooses to adhere to. Were there “good” or “moderate” Nazis? If not, then no one can claim that there are good or moderate Muslims as they are voluntarily subscribing to an ideology that advocates murder, torture and jihad and does not permit its follower to cherry-pick which parts they believe in. The requirement to accept the Koran as the literal word of God also carries with it the obligation to accept it all. And as you say, the Koran instructs all Muslims to wage war against non-Muslims and all schools of Islamic thought instruct the subjugation of the non-Muslim world through jihad. Therefore, I do not believe it wise to attempt to create artificial distinctions between Muslims that don’t really as far as their attitudes towards non-Muslims is concerned.

As the prime minister of Turkey recently said: There is no radical nor moderate Islam. That is an insult to Muslims. There is only Islam.

We may wish to give Muslims the benefit of doubt, due to our humanistic and liberalized Western way of thinking. But treating the enemy as we wish they were, than as they are, will only lead to our ultimate defeat.

FP: Well sir, again, it is not Muslims that are the problem. Islam is the problem. There are many Muslims who want a modernized and democratic Islam – Salim Mansur, Thomas Haidon, Kamal Nawash and Mustafa Akyol are among them. And these reformers and moderates oppose the extremists in their religion just as much as any one us.

Yes, we cannot reform Islam without being honest about the violence, discrimination and hate that it teaches. And yes, there is a big question if the Islam with Islam taken out of it can remain an Islam at all. But there is a verse in the Qur’an (2:256) which states: “There is no compulsion in religion.” As Daniel Pipes has pointed out, this verse, though very complicated in the many interpretations surrounding it, can serve as a foundation to a more enlightened Islam. Pipes profoundly notes that Islam can be what its believers make it, they “can decide afresh what jihad signifies, what rights women have, what role government should play, what forms of interest on money should be banned, plus much else.” And we have a big stake in trying to influence them in this matter.

Again, another whole problem is, obviously, as you have warned, is if there is any chance of any reformation succeeding at all.

In any case, this debate belongs in another forum my friend. Frontpage may soon organize a symposium on this matter and I hope you will join our panel.

Let’s continue:

How do you measure our enemy in the terror war today in terms of a comparison with Nazism or Communism? A greater or lesser threat to our civilization?

Tefft: Islam is a far more vicious and durable enemy than Nazism or Communism, and over the course of its history, responsible for far more deaths and atrocities than Nazism and Communism combined. In the 200 years from the founding of Islam by Mohammed, Islamic armies conquered more territory than the Roman Empire did in 2000 years. The Hindu holocaust alone, when Islam attempted the conquest of India, saw 80 million Indians massacred. Like Nazism and Communism, Islam is based on the anti-liberty principle of submission, enforced by raw power and terror. Unlike Nazism and Communism, both of which attempted to replace religion with a personality cult of the leadership, Islam used religion and an artificial cobbled-together construct of a god-figure.

FP: So is Islam an ideology or a religion?

Tefft: That is a good question, a key question. Consider the historical origins of Islam: Mohammed was literally an illiterate camel driver in Arab trading caravans (his first wife was the wealthy, elderly owner of one such caravan) who used to listen to the stories of his fellow Christian, Jewish, and pagan camel drivers. Mohammed was also reportedly an epileptic, subject to fits and seizures. During one of these fits, he wandered into the desert (probably also receiving too much sun) and collapsed in a cave where he claims he was visited by the Angel Gabriel who told him that he’d been chosen by God to received the third revealed Abrahamic religion. Gabriel explained that Christ had been sent as a prophet because God was disappointed in the behavior of the original ‘Chosen People’.

Now, 500 years later, God is also disappointed in the Christians, so Mohammed will receive the Koran, a Holy Book written by God in Heaven (which begs the question of the linguistic, logical and grammatical irregularities in the Koran), in segments over his lifetime. In actuality, Mohammed made up the Koranic verses to meet whatever requirement he had in his daily life. When Mohammed later began prosyletizing, he attempted to recall and incorporate the various attributes of the Christian God and Jesus in his new “Allah-god”, and was quite taken aback when the Jews rejected him as a false prophet — thus beginning 14 centuries of hate towards Jews by Muslims.

Mohammed converted pagans by smashing the 350+ pagan gods and goddesses, claiming that the moon-god, Allah, had consumed all of them into himself and was the new, “one-god”. This, by the way, is why the Muslims still follow a lunar calendar and the Islamic symbol is a crescent moon. Allah is the pagan moon-god.

Islam is an ideology with religious trappings. The Koran can quite logically be viewed as Mohammed’s “Mein Kampf” — it lays out his justification for murder, rape, torture and military conquest on a daily basis. Since Mohammed made it up as he went along, it lacks some of the coherency and consistency of the “Mein Kampf” but it has the same effect. It is full of contradictions, but Muslims start from the premise that Allah can make no errors, and mere mortals cannot know what Allah really means. So if there are contradictions, the principle of “abrogation” is applied — whatever Allah says last, trumps whatever went before. This leads directly to the example of the so-called “peace, love and tolerance” of Islam vs. it’s holy war bloodthirstiness.

When Mohammed was first shilling his new ideology as a religion, he met resistance from the established Christian and Jewish communities. So he, in essence, said, we are all people of the book (Islam accepts the Old Testament as gospel, not the New Testament), can’t we all just get along together. When he was rejected, and even routed, his Koranic creations and pronouncements became less tolerant, directing Muslims to make the world Islamic, and convert, enslave or kill all non-Muslims. At the end of the Koran (and Mohammed’s life of pillage and conquest) even that tolerance had disappeared as Allah directs all non-Muslims be killed until nature comes to the Muslims aid and “trees will tell you behind what rock the last Jew is hiding, so you can kill him too.”

FP: Can Muslims who are loyal to Islam be loyal to a nation-state?

Tefft: No, it is not possible by their own tenets. The first principle of Islam, that Muslims reaffirm (auto-brainwashing) 5 times daily in their ‘prayers’, is that the Koran is the literal Word of Allah (and Mohammed is his messenger). Since Allah provided the laws and form of government in the sharia (Islamic law), and in the Koran there is no reference to democracies, republic, kingdoms or empires…these are all considered blasphemous. Muslims living in non-Muslim countries are to respect the laws of the country until such times as it can be converted to or conquered by Islam. The primary reason that Muslims hate the United States so much is that we (as other Western nations) have codified the separation of church and state into our Constitution. This is 180 degrees opposite the will of Allah (as revealed in Mohammed’s Koran) of the non-separation of church and state.

For a Muslim to pledge allegiance to a non-Muslim nation state would be either hypocritical or blasphemous — something a true Muslim would not, or could not do. This is the case unless he was under a special jihadist dispensation from an Islamic cleric (as the 9/11 hijackers were) to infiltrate enemy territory and to act as the enemy does, in order to perform his mission.

FP: But as I mentioned earlier, there are many Muslims and various Muslim organizations who are truly on our side and who want to democratize and modernize their religion. What do you think is the best way for us to help them do that?

Tefft: I don’t know if there are “many” or not. One certainly does not see much evidence of them. Nor, if they wish to democratize and modernize Islam, are they truly Muslims — which is ok, then they are no threat to the rest of the world.

Islam, unlike either Christianity or Judaism is not reformable. Christians are in general agreement that the Bible was written by humans, inspired by God; the primary and central tenet of Islam is that the Koran is the literal word of Allah. How does one ‘reform’, interpret or change, the Word of God (or Allah)? The answer is one can’t and it would be blasphemous to try to do so and apostasy, in Islam, like so much else, is punishable by death.

I do not believe that there will be a Muslim Martin Luther reforming Islam. In truth, bin Laden, the Iranian Ayatollahs and the Saudi Wahabbis are the ‘reformers’ who are bringing Islam back to its original “pure” state. I suspect that anyone wishing to democratize and modernize Islam will have to re-write the Koran, leaving out 26 (of the 114) Chapters, or suras, dealing with holy war, fighting Islam’s enemies, chopping their heads off, and etc. Of course then it would no longer be Islam — perhaps a “Reformed Islam”, such as Reform Judaism, or a Muslim Lutheranism.

But I’m an ex-spy, not a theologian — from the psy-war aspect, the best thing the West can do in this war with Islam is to publicize and support morally and monetarily the apostates and ex-Muslims. They know the evils of Islam better than any outsider.

FP: So are you optimistic or pessimistic in the West’s ability to confront and defeat its enemy in this terror war? What advice would you give in terms of how the West can best prevail?

Tefft: While the war with Islam is eminently winnable, it is very difficult to be optimistic at this stage when one sees political correctness rampant and the Western leftists supporting Islam (as they supported the National Socialists and Lenin/Stalin in the last century), to the point our leadership (where is Churchill, Thatcher and Reagan when we need them?) is either too frightened or too ignorant to name our enemy.

Islam is basically a regressive ideology, reflecting the evil ambitions of Mohammed, a 6th century brigand. Even if it were to succeed temporarily in bringing a new Dark Age to the world, eventually it will collapse from its own internal inconsistencies and anti-humanistic beliefs. The West has prevailed in the past — after the Crusades, the recovery of Spain from Muslims in 1492 and defeat of the marauding armies of Islam at the Gates of Vienna in 1529 for more than 500 years, Islam was contained. We need to recall that period, as well as the successful policy of containment from the Cold War, and again contain Islam to its existing borders and block its further spread.

FP: So how does it look like the trial will go? What are your expectations? Is there anyway that our readers can help?

Tefft: The trial is, of course, frivolous — “legal jihad.” It is an effort to shut me up and then shut me down. This is cloaked as an employment issue (which if it was truly, I would not be joined with the NYPD in the law suit since I was neither an employee of NYPD nor an employer of the Muslim. We have a motion to dismiss pending, but if that is rejected then we go to trial on a First Amendment basis.

Jamie, I need all of the help I can get. I have an excellent lawyer but he’s not cheap. Friends have set up a Legal Defense fund for me here — or checks can be made out to the Bruce Tefft Legal Defense Fund and sent to:

Bruce Tefft Legal Defense Fund
Jerry Goldman, Atty
Two Penn Center Plaza
1500 J.F.K. Blvd. Suite 1411
Philadelphia, PA 19102

FP: Bruce Tefft, thank you for joining Frontpage Interview.

Tefft: You are most welcome. Thank you for having me.

Jamie Glazov is Frontpage Magazine’s managing editor. He holds a Ph.D. in History with a specialty in U.S. and Canadian foreign policy. He edited and wrote the introduction to David Horowitz’s Left Illusions. He is also the co-editor (with David Horowitz) of The Hate America Left and the author of Canadian Policy Toward Khrushchev’s Soviet Union (McGill-Queens University Press, 2002) and 15 Tips on How to be a Good Leftist. To see his previous symposiums, interviews and articles Click Here. Email him at jglazov@rogers.com.http://frontpagemagazine.com/Articles/Read.aspx?GUID=AF613BFA-8E34-4A07-8DB4-20D89DE3D84B

Click here to support Bruce Tefft’s Legal Defense Fund

Monday, August 27, 2007

EXCLUSIVE: An interview with Dr. Bruce Tefft

MIKE KASPER: Hi Bruce, let’s give people an idea of your background. 21 years in the CIA, 17 years overseas, Chief of Station, founding member of the CIA’s Counter Terrorism Center in 1985. Would you say you’ve been focused on Islamic terrorism for 20 years?BRUCE TEFFT: Thank you, Mike… yes, since 1985. In the CIA’s Counter Terrorism Center I was responsible for operations against the Iranian terrorists and the Iranian-supported proxies, Hizballah in Lebanon.

MIKE: If you can go into this, are we talking about collection operations, offensive operations, both?

BRUCE: Both… although offensive operations all had to have specific White House approval and this was not always forthcoming. Collection operations is CIA “bread and butter” and did not require special approvals.

MIKE: For anyone who might not be familiar with the time period, Hezbollah was founded in 1982 in response to the Israeli invasion of Lebanon, and the first attacks against the US in Beirut began in 1983 and 1984, right? Bombings, kidnappings, hijackings, hundreds dead. Do any particular events stand out that had the most impact on you as you worked to counter this new threat?

BRUCE: I would take slight issue with your characterization that Hizballah was founded in response to the Israeli invasion of Lebanon. Hizballah would have been created regardless… The Ayatollah Khomeini, following the successful coup in 1979 in Iran, surveilled his next target and decided that Lebanon was sufficiently destabilized that the prospects for a second Islamic Revolutionary Government were best there and he detached units from the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps to Lebanon to establish camps in the Bekaa Valley to begin training Lebanese proxies – Hizballah – in terrorism.

BRUCE: The greatest impact was the kidnapping, torture and killing of the CIA Station Chief in Beirut by the Iranians/Hizballah on March 16, 1984. He was held and tortured to death by the Iranians who killed him by inserting a catheter with a balloon down his throat. When the balloon expanded it crushed all of his interior organs. The multiple bombings of the U.S. Embassy (twice), the Marine and French hqs, and numerous kidnappings and hijackings all cried for a counter-response.

MIKE: When did you first see a connection between literal reading of the Koran and terrorism, if that’s an accurate way to say it?

BRUCE: During the Cold War, I studied Marxism to learn the motivations and weaknesses of the Communist enemy. It made sense, as Islam declared war on the United States, to do the same with Islam. The Koran, according to Muslims may only be read literally… it is blasphemy to attempt to interpret the literal word of Allah. It also made sense to listen to what the new enemy was saying, as we studied both the writings, speeches and propaganda of the Communists and before them, the Nazis to gain an understanding of them of whom we were fighting and why.

BRUCE: As a former Muslim, Ibn Warrach has written: “Without Islam, there is no Islamic terrorism”. Obviously, without the Koran there would be no Islam, nor Islamic terrorism.

MIKE: There are over a billion Muslims in the world. Do you see them all as enemies of the United States, or only the terrorists?

BRUCE: Islam is an ideology hostile to the West, and to all non-Muslims. Islam requires all Muslims to work for the overthrow (or subjection) of all non-Muslim religions and political systems. If Muslims reject the words of Allah (as noted in the Koran and hadiths) then they are apostates and no longer Muslims. If Muslims choose to adhere to Islam which has declared war on the non-Muslim world, then yes, of course they are enemies of the U.S., the West and all non-Muslims… by their own words.

MIKE: The World Trade Center was bombed the first time in 1993. If you can say, what types of things were you involved with at the time? Were you familiar with the Blind Sheik and his Islamic Group or the connection to Zawahiri and Egyptian Islamic Jihad?

BRUCE: I was working in Somalia, amongst other places in East Africa.

BRUCE: Of course, I was quite familiar with the Blind Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman and the Egyptian Islamic Jihad… and the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist organization of which both were members. Rahman was involved with bin Laden in Afghanistan and earlier was involved in the assassination of Egyptian President Anwar Sadat.

MIKE: When did you start working for Orion and how would you describe your job? Is it safe to say Islamic terrorism was the focus?

BRUCE: I started working for Orion in 1998, approximately 2 years after leaving the CIA. My responsibility was, as was Orion’s, general terrorism… from all over the world. From the Japanese Aum-Shin-ryko to the ETA and German Red Army and Italian Red Brigades. By virtue of my background though, I specifically focussed on Islamic terrorism.

MIKE: In the lead up to 9/11 there were several more attacks on US interests overseas by Al Qaeda. Do you remember when you first became aware of the new terrorist network that Bin Laden and Zawahiri had formed? What about their MAK offices in the US?

BRUCE: I was aware of bin Laden, and his co-founder of the Maktab al-Khadamt (MAK) during the Afghanistan war. bin Laden murdered Azzam and his 2 sons in Peshawar in 1989 and took control of MAK (al-Qaeda) and began turning his attention to international terrorism.

MIKE: Did you see any signs before the 9/11 attacks that they were planning to bring their war against the US to American soil?

BRUCE: Yes, of course. There was nothing to stop al-Qaeda from doing so and it was logical… having defeated (their claim) the Soviets in Afghanistan; bin Laden turned his attention to the sole remaining non-Muslim superpower, the U.S. The 1993 World Trade Center bombing was an obvious indication; as well as the 1993 attack by Amal Kansi outside of CIA Hqs… one might have thought that either event would have focussed American attention to the Islamic War against the US…

BRUCE: Then in 1995, the Philippines captured Ramzi Yousef’s roommate, Abdul Hakim Murad, and learned of Operation Bojinka, a plan to bomb 11 US airliners simultaneously over the Pacific, assassinate Pope John Paul II and to hijack an airliner and crash it into CIA Hqs.

BRUCE: In 1998 bin Laden issued his famous declaration of war calling on Muslims to kill all Americans everywhere. It should be noted in the context of bin Laden’s terrorism that no Islamic authority has ever declared bin Laden, al-Qaeda or any of his actions un-Islamic… which would have required him being declared an “apostate” and subject to a fatwa death sentence… odd, considering how quickly death sentence fatwas were issued on Salmon Rushdie and the Danish cartoonists for the flimsiest of excuses.

BRUCE: So there were plenty of indications prior to 9/11.

MIKE: Were you personally aware of any Al Qaeda operatives present inside the US before 9/11?

BRUCE: I was aware that al-Qaeda was essentially a Muslim Brotherhood creation (as were the PLO and HAMAS); and that in 1995, al-Qaeda formed an official alliance with Iran (and thus Hizballah). I was aware of the PLO, HAMAS, and Hizballah criminal and fund-raising activities (particularly Hizballah cigarette smuggling from North Carolina and HAMAS coupon-clipping scams in Chicago). Thus I would have made a well-founded assumption that al-Qaeda was present in the US but, prior to any arrests, I was not personally aware of the identities of any individual al-Qaeda operatives in the U.S.

BRUCE: It should be noted that 80% of all of the mosques and Islamic centers in the US and all of the Muslim Student Associations are funded by Wahabbi Saudis. bin Laden is a Wahabbi Saudi. It would also be a reasonable assumption that these are al-Qaeda or al-Qaeda sympathizers too.

MIKE: In early 2002, not long after 9/11, you began commuting to New York. In basic terms, describe the work you did for Orion to assist the NYPD.

BRUCE: Orion volunteered to pay for my salary, commute, and hotel expenses as a patriotic gesture to assist the City of New York and the NYPD following 9/11.

BRUCE: I shared my intelligence and counter-terrorism expertise with members of the NYPD’s Intelligence and Counter-Terrorism Divisions in an effort to prevent another 9/11-type terrorist attack.

BRUCE: As an intelligence officer, my job had always been to be proactive, to identify threats and events in advance. Typically, police and law enforcement concentrates on reaction, to an incident or a crime. My job was to convey such aspects of proaction as were possible and legal domestically to the NYPD… and some of the 16,000 other law enforcement and first responders that I have trained in the US and abroad since 9/11.

MIKE: At what point did you stop making the trip to Manhattan?

BRUCE: My last commute to Manhatten was prior to Christmas, 2003. This was due to the acquisition of Orion by SRA, a company which did not share Orion’s view as to the value of my work in NYC.

MIKE: Was NYPD the only Orion customer you were supporting all this time?

BRUCE: The NYPD was my primary responsibility, but I did other work as well.

MIKE: Let’s talk about the email list at issue. I’m a computer guy, so I’m curious, what email software did you use for the list?

BRUCE: I’m NOT a computer guy… I used the basic Microsoft office suite for my emails… Outlook.

MIKE: This might follow from the last answer, but how would people subscribe and how could they unsubscribe?

BRUCE: As I gave speeches, presentations and training to all first responders and law enforcement officials, I would, in my closing remarks, describe my international network of contacts, chatrooms, other email lists, and my own research. I would receive some 1,000 terrorist, political or military-related emails a day (more now) and disseminate perhaps 5% of them to interested parties on my own email list… I offered to place any law enforcement or other interested party on my list…

MIKE: How was the list in question actually managed? Do you keep the list of email addresses in an address book or file on your computer? Do people email you and ask to be added to the list and then you manually add them, or delete them if they request to be deleted?

BRUCE: Yes, the “list” was kept in my address book on my computer. For anyone to be put on the list, they would have to either email me or write down their email address and hand it to me and I would manually add to the list. Most, if not all, deletions were email requests. I received no request from the Muslim suing me to be removed from the mailing list. I might also add, I don’t know (although I might hazard a guess) the identity of the Muslim suing me… he has requested court protection of his identity… hence the law suit is John Doe vs City of New York and Bruce Tefft. I have not been informed the identity of John Doe.

MIKE: When was the list started and approximately how many members did it reach at it’s peak?

BRUCE: I started the list in connection with my on-line research in 1996 after leaving the CIA. The list is still growing, and I’m told that through various repostings, etc. that I reach approximately 15,000 readers daily.

MIKE: Is the content of the list in question similar to that of the OSINT yahoo group you post to now?

BRUCE: Almost identical… I’ve actually broken the list down into several now… one exclusively for law enforcement officials; and others more general depending on participants interests.

MIKE: What legal basis is the plaintiff using to sue you individually for emails you wrote?

BRUCE: He claimed in his suit, which is against the City of New York, with me as an addendum, that I contributed to the creation of a hostile work environment for him.

MIKE: If you posted them online instead, spoke the same sentiments in a public forum, or testified about it as an expert witness, could he sue you for that, too?

BRUCE: I did post most of the articles online… and, I imagine, he would attempt to sue me for that, if his objective, as seems clear of so many Islamic-origin law suits, is to silence a critic of Islam.

MIKE: What type of damages is he seeking from you?

BRUCE: None specific… he’s requesting a jury trial for a judgement and decision on damages. I have heard that he initially sought a million dollars from the City of New York, but I can not confirm this.

MIKE: Is he claiming you discriminated against him or caused him emotional distress?

BRUCE: I gather he is claiming that I caused the NYPD to discriminate against him and I think there are some claims of emotional distress too. His complaint runs to several dozen pages.

MIKE: What period of time do the emails the plaintiff quotes in his lawsuit cover?

BRUCE: He seems to be claiming from 2001 to 2005… of course I had no NYPD officers on my list (that I am aware of) in 2001… and my last connection to the NYPD was ended in December 2003 although some email contact continued.

MIKE: Were you still working for Orion all that time?

BRUCE: No, my employment with Orion ceased in early 2004 when it was acquired by SRA.

MIKE: Would there be any difference if the plaintiff went and signed up for your OSINT yahoo group today? Could he sue you again?

BRUCE: The material and the commentary is the same.

BRUCE: As we’ve seen in the U.S. …anyone can sue anyone else for just about anything… including hot coffee and hurt feelings. I hope the US courts will at some point stop entertaining frivolous law suits like this one, others launched by CAIR and the John Doe airline passenger complaints.

MIKE: To change the subject for a minute, one problem the intelligence community has is a lack of linguists, and native speakers, who can get top level security clearances. How do you think that problem can be solved to help us fight Islamic terrorism?

BRUCE: The FBI flatly, I have heard, refuses to use Jewish linguists. But there are thousands of non-Muslim Arabic and Persian speakers ranging from Palestinian Christians, Egyptian Copts, Lebanese Maronites, Iraqi Christians, Armenians, etc.

BRUCE: The shortage is a result of the intelligence community’s own shortsightedness and incompetence.

MIKE: People might be aware of a 2004 conference where your remarks sparked a controversy. You’ve been in the intelligence business around thirty years now. Have your views on Islam ever caused any problems like this for you in the past?

BRUCE: I spoke in Toronto at a Simon Wiesenthal sponsored conference which infuriated Muslims. CAIR demanded, naturally, immediate retraction, apologies and disavowment from the sponsors. They did not get it.

MIKE: Last but not least, ARC, the Association for the Recovery of Children. When I was researching for this interview I saw you were listed as one of their associates. Can you tell me some more about that organization and the type of work they do?

BRUCE: The Association for the Recovery of Children is a non-profit organization comprised of former and active Intelligence, Military, and Law Enforcement personnel, dedicated to the recovery of missing and exploited children, foreign and domestic. You are aware of the issues of Muslim males stealing or kidnapping children from their non-Muslim or Western wives, and spiriting them off to their own country, often against US divorce court settlements, etc. We try to help the spouses recover their children.

MIKE: Thanks Bruce, hope we can continue the conversation soon and help fill people in on more details of the case.

BRUCE: Thank you, Mike.

MIKE: As a reminder, if readers can afford to make a contribution, checks can be made out to the Bruce Tefft Legal Defense Fund and sent to:

Bruce Tefft Legal Defense Fund
Jerry Goldman, Atty
Two Penn Center Plaza
1500 J.F.K. Blvd. Suite 1411
Philadelphia, PA 19102

posted by Mike Kasper @ 8:54 AM


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