Iranian Naval Adventurism in the Atlantic Ocean

A starboard quarter view of the Iranian destro...

A starboard quarter view of the Iranian destroyer escort ITS ROSTAM (DE-73), now redesignated the frigate IS SABALAN (F-73). NOTE: This vessel was heavily damaged on 19 April 1988 by air attack of units of CVW-11 from the USS ENTERPRISE (CVN-65) in retaliation for the mining of the USS SAMUEL B. ROBERTS (FFG-58) in the Persian Gulf. The ship was reported under repair but as of 1991 has not yet been seen in service. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


Publication: Terrorism Monitor Volume: 12 Issue: 4


February 21, 2014 02:23 PM By: Nima Adelkhah



Iran’s Navy Commander, Admiral Habibollah Sayari, announced on January 21 that Iran’s 29th fleet had left the port of Bandar Abbas for a three-month mission to the Atlantic Ocean (Press TV [Tehran], January 22). The 29th fleet consists of only two 1970s vintage British-built ships, the supply ship Kharg (refitted in 1994 and capable of supporting three Sea King helicopters) and the Alvand class frigate Sabalan (usually described as a helicopter carrier and a destroyer respectively by Iranian authorities). Though the Kharg is the larger ship, it is essentially acting as a support ship for the Sabalan. Continue reading

Iranian Navy Ships Arrive in Saudi Port

English: Map showing the location of the Gulf ...

Image via Wikipedia

News number: 9010173587 17:49 | 2012-02-04
TEHRAN (FNA)- The 18th flotilla of warships dispatched by Iran to the Gulf 
of Aden on an anti-piracy mission docked at the Saudi port city of Jeddah 
today, Iranian Navy Commander Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari said on 

The Iranian Navy dispatched its 18th flotilla of warships to the Gulf of
Aden on January 21 to protect the country's cargo ships and oil tankers
against Somali pirates.

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